Parker is not even two years old, and I've only told him not to talk to strangers a few times so far in his young life, but I think he's a quick learner!
He's usually a friendly little fellow, but when Meteorologist Brent Watts tried to talk to him on Halloween on NEWS7 at Five, he would have nothing of it. Parker is a big fan of "Mr. Brent" - but dress him up in a pirate hat and scary
makeup that's six hours old, and Parker got a little confused. I think he was afraid Brent was going to make him walk the plank.
He's usually a friendly little fellow, but when Meteorologist Brent Watts tried to talk to him on Halloween on NEWS7 at Five, he would have nothing of it. Parker is a big fan of "Mr. Brent" - but dress him up in a pirate hat and scary
makeup that's six hours old, and Parker got a little confused. I think he was afraid Brent was going to make him walk the plank.
This is the second year the SkyTracker7 Weather Deck has played host to "WDBJ Costume Kids." It's a fun time, as WDBJ employees bring their youngsters to the station for treats and live TV to show off their costumes. There's some raw video on our homepage of pre-newscast happenings.
Hope you had a great, and safe, Halloween!