Wednesday, October 31, 2007

WDBJ Costume Kids

Parker is not even two years old, and I've only told him not to talk to strangers a few times so far in his young life, but I think he's a quick learner!

He's usually a friendly little fellow, but when Meteorologist Brent Watts tried to talk to him on Halloween on NEWS7 at Five, he would have nothing of it. Parker is a big fan of "Mr. Brent" - but dress him up in a pirate hat and scary
makeup that's six hours old, and Parker got a little confused. I think he was afraid Brent was going to make him walk the plank.

This is the second year the SkyTracker7 Weather Deck has played host to "WDBJ Costume Kids." It's a fun time, as WDBJ employees bring their youngsters to the station for treats and live TV to show off their costumes. There's some raw video on our homepage of pre-newscast happenings.
Hope you had a great, and safe, Halloween!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

New Set/Host For "Price"

The 36th season of the hit CBS game show "The Price is Right" premieres Monday, October 15th on WDBJ7. I love this show. Even when I worked for an ABC affiliate a few years ago I would watch "Price" on CBS from 11:00a.m. until noon as I prepared for our noon newscast. "Price" is a great lead into NEWS7 at Noon for WDBJ. And how could it not be, after all, it's tagged "Americas Favorite Game Show!" Here are a few pictures of the new set that will debut with the shows new host, Drew Carey in just over a week. I'm glad the new set will still carry the old flavor of the previous set. I hope Drew Carey will carry the show. Honestly, I'm not the biggest fan of his, but we'll see. Enjoy the pictures of the Bob Barker studio in Los Angeles, CA.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Parker & The Pumpkin Patch

We took Parker to Ikenberry Orchards in Daleville today to search for a pumpkin. He finally picked one out, but I think he enjoyed the gravel parking lot more than anything. His new favorite word is "rock", so he had to thoroughly inspect every gravel in the parking lot before we could leave. Hope your October is off to a great start!