Monday, November 12, 2007

On The Road Again...

It's always a great pleasure to go out to local schools and talk to students about weather. (I probably get more out of it than they do!) Last Friday Mrs. Jennifer Green's fourth grade class was on the docket, so I packed up my gear and headed to Eureka Elementary School.
Eureka E.S. is just outside the Keysville town limits in Charlotte County - nearly a two hour drive from our Roanoke studios. The drive was worth it - as Mrs. Green's students were well prepared for our weather discussion. They we're very attentive, asked great questions (and some tough ones, too!) and were all around hospitable. It's nice to know we have such a captive audience in Charlotte County, even though they're closer to the Richmond TV market.
Routes 40 and 47 provided many great picture opportunities. From Appomattox, to Charlotte Court House, I snapped many shots. Unfortunately, the only picture that survived the trip (technology gremlins!) is the least picturesque of all them - but it'll have to do!
Thanks again to Mrs. Green and the fourth grade class at Eureka Elementary School for the memories!
Next up, my Alma mater... Narrows High School in Giles County...

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